Create the Perfect Ecommerce Marketing Mix: Why PostPilot is the Direct Mail Match for Klaviyo [Updated 2024]

1 + 1 = 3.

Direct mail and email marketing individually boast significant strengths—but when combined, their impact can be truly transformative for your ecommerce business. 

Direct mail has a reputation among ecommerce marketers for being time-consuming, hard to measure, and expensive.

That couldn’t be further from the truth.

PostPilot has reinvented direct mail for modern ecommerce, making it easy for brands to unlock a new marketing channel. 

With PostPilot, creating a direct mail campaign can be as simple as crafting a new flow in Klaviyo or rolling out new ads on Facebook. In fact, it can be easier, with PostPilot’s done-for-you concierge service. 

Thanks to PostPilot’s deep integrations, you can even use the same lists and customer segments you’ve already built in Klaviyo for your direct mail campaigns. 

In this post, we’re tackling the four biggest direct mail marketing myths head on, and sharing how direct mail can be as simple to run as your email marketing campaigns in Klaviyo.

Myth 1: Direct mail is too time-consuming

PostPilot isn't another tool that you and your team need to learn from scratch. Instead, it's a way to level up and amplify what’s already working in your ecommerce marketing strategy, so you reach more of your target audience and improve your conversion rates. 

Running your own direct mail campaigns in PostPilot is as intuitive as setting up a drip campaign in Klaviyo. But you don’t even have to go that far—save your team’s bandwidth and rely on PostPilot’s expertise tech with concierge service included with Pro and Enterprise plans. It's like having a seasoned direct mail consultant by your side. Plus, PostPilot is built for full-funnel programmatic direct mail, meaning campaigns are inherently virtually-no-lift, can be set up as set-'em-and-forget-'em (like any Klaviyo email flow), and all campaign results can be tracked in real time—see Myth 2.

Not to mention, PostPilot integrates directly with Shopify and Klaviyo. The lists and segments you've built in Klaviyo can be seamlessly synced with PostPilot, creating a streamlined, cohesive marketing strategy. And with our built-in Shopify integration, PostPilot becomes a natural extension of your ecommerce operation.

Myth 2: Direct mail is hard to measure 

Measuring the impact of your direct mail marketing efforts can be tricky in almost any channel. While we can’t solve all of your marketing attribution woes, we can remove the guesswork for your direct mail campaigns because our native Shopify integration.

PostPilot customers get a dashboard where results are reported in real time—no waiting, no extra work. Here's a look at the KPI section on a campaign dashboard for a particular winback campaign:

PostPilot KPI dashboard showing results of a winback campaign. Revenue is 204 thousand dollars, 757 orders have been placed, ROAS is 10.72, 35,946 postcards have been sent, and the brand has spent $19,051 dollars.
Notes: "LOD=150" means "Last Order Date was 150 days ago" and "NO=1" means "Number of Orders = 1."

Depending on the campaign, we can use different methods to track results, including coupon codes, QR codes, and more. Each customer engagement is tracked in PostPilot for 60 days, which provides valuable insights into the long-term impact of your direct mail efforts.

Myth 3: The learning curve is too steep for my team  

Direct mail is a great accelerator for your existing marketing efforts. Put another way, direct mail, when combined with email marketing, actually makes each channel work even better.  

You can make the learning curve practically zero if you are on the PostPilot Pro Plan (or higher) since our concierge team handles everything to do with your direct mail strategy. This includes complimentary setup, segmenting, and design services to help make your campaigns successful.

For instance, if you already have all your Klaviyo marketing lists and segments set up, we can give them a new job—powering your postcard campaigns. We can reach customers who are missing or ignoring your emails, offering them a tangible, personal touch with a postcard. No spam filters to contend with, no digital noise drowning them out. It’s your message, delivered directly into your customer's hands. 

Myth 4: Direct mail doesn’t work as well as paid ads  

Remember the days where you could get Facebook clicks for a few pennies? Sadly for all of us, those days are long gone. Online ad costs are only going up, and they can skyrocket during the high-demand seasons like BFCM. 

Postcard campaigns, on the other hand, can cost less than an ad click. More importantly, they’re immune to many of the factors that get in the way of ads and email, from privacy laws and platform-specific privacy policies (iOS changes) to spam filters and plain old unsubscribes.

Direct mail gives brands the chance to reach prospects and customers they can't get to via email or online ads—because of digital ad fatigue, stuff getting caught in filters or they are not active on social media. The real value of direct mail campaigns comes from unlocking a powerful channel that's additive, not necessarily competing with other channels.

Whether you're sending abandoned cart campaigns, time-sensitive reminders about products running low, or launching campaigns to engage loyalty program members, PostPilot makes it simple. Besides Klaviyo and Shopify, PostPilot also integrates with, Repeat, LoyaltyLion, Loop, and Recharge. 

Myth 5: Direct mail is only for retention 

Wrong, wrong, and also wrong. With PostPilot, your ecommerce brand can market to every stage of the customer journey, from acquisition to retention. 

  • Cold prospect using postcards with AI-powered lookalike campaigns and/or targeted mailing lists.
  • Cold prospect using shared mail, to get into homes for $0.10/send
  • Retarget with MailMatchTM to send a postcard based on email signups.
  • Retarget with SiteMatchTM for anonymous website browsers.
  • Extend your abandoned cart flows with direct mail.
  • Extend your welcome series with direct mail .
  • (There are frillions of direct mail tactics you can use to drive full-funnel revenue.)
  • Retain customers like crazy with VIP appreciation campaigns, highly effective winbacks, product refill reminders, loyalty touchpoints and subscription management. Our integrations with Klaviyo, Shopify, Repeat, LoyaltyLion, Recharge, and more make it a cinch.
  • Support your retail sales by driving hyper-targeted foot traffic to brick-and-mortar stores with ShopDrops. We can identify customers who visit Target 3+ times per month, buy premium men’s grooming products, are married with young kids, and so much more. 

Unlock a powerful new marketing channel with PostPilot

With PostPilot, integrating direct mail into your marketing mix becomes a seamless experience. Send effective, personalized postcard campaigns that supercharge your growth trajectory. 

To top it off, our complimentary concierge service is at your disposal, ready to craft bespoke segments and designs tailored to your unique needs. 

Why wait? Create your free PostPilot account today 

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